In a lifestyle session, it is important for me to capture the essence of each family. It is a way for them to encapsulate the things that they value the most— to showcase a bit of what’s happening in their everyday lives and to simply show who they are as individuals, and as a whole. That’s what I wanted to capture in the Youyoute family’s session. They are a family who values time together, praying together, and growing together! There is a saying that goes, “The family that prays together, stays together.” and yes, here they are, the epitome of this quote, the Youyoute family. After this lifestyle session with them, I became inspired to be present in all aspects of my life and as a family.
Albriana has a full house and a full heart. She feels blessed and seeing her in action during this session made me so happy and it reminded me of how important it is to truly be present with our littles and our partners. Albriana adores her family and she prays over her family every moment she gets. She is a proverbs woman and a mama bear who loves her cubs. This family session is full of love, honor, and togetherness.

Moments like the one here remind me of this sweet quote, “To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter.” “A good father will leave his imprint on his daughter for the rest of her life.” “I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.” “Dad is and always will be my living, breathing superhero.” I admire my dad and I am a daddy’s girl so I truly understand the love and admiration you can have for your father. I also admire love seeing little girls who love their daddy. It is something special in the making.

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