In the midst of Prieto’s lifestyle family session, I couldn’t help but go down memory lane myself. I began thinking about the time my husband and I became new parents like these two wonderful parents. It seems like it was just yesterday when my daughters were as small as sweet little Kylee. Kylee is perfect! As I look back, I remember the feeling of being in awe of the first time I laid eyes on them and the first time they clutched my fingers with their small and mighty fingers. We wonder what they will look like and who they will be while they are being wonderfully made. The anticipation is unbelievable. I appreciated hearing about Daymara and Rancel’s journey leading up to Kylee’s arrival. Daymara , Rancel, and my family had that in common. We understood that this is the best thing that has ever happened to us.

As I photographed Daymara and Rancel with their sweet princess, It was obvious that they were fascinated with everything that made Kylee who she is. It’s special how one tiny human being can bring so much joy into our lives. Isn’t it wonderful how it only takes one smile, one coo, and even one look, to lift us up even on our most troubled days. In a deeper sense, they too see first hand why we call babies “little bundles of joy”! All of the joy was there on this day. They were smiling the whole time and so was I! I was so happy for this family. They radiated happiness and togetherness! Family is truly incredible… The time flies and being able to capture these moments makes my heart feel so big.

When I was expecting everyone warned me that time doesn’t slow down…that one day I will ask myself, ” wow..where has the time gone?” They were so right! Now when our family listens to John Mayer’s, “Stop This Train”, we can hardly keep it together. Time is flying….and I know one day this sweet family will look at these images and say, ” wow..where has the time gone?” It’s amazing the way time flies and the way our little ones tug on our heartstrings. As Dwight said on my favorite TV series, ” It’s amazing: a three-ounce fetus, is calling the shots….” They are small and mighty!
It was truly an honor to photograph this special moment and to witness the love from all of Kylee’s family.
I want Daymara and Rancel to one day go back to this time, to once again feel the excitement of being new parents. To reminisce the now, when they have so much to look forward to, like Kylee’s first step, her first word, the first time she’ll recognize shapes and colors. When that time comes, I want them to look at these precious pictures and think “Wow, someone so tiny really grew up to be somebody as great as you are.”

Photography: Terrie Images
Lovely Makeup By: @beautyxsarah
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